Monday, January 08, 2007


Had a really quiet Sunday. Watched some TV I Tivoed, started reading a book. Joy finished a quilt (I'll try to get a picture later). I have some trouble with free time. 52-hour work weeks have a way of occupying any sort of life I have. When the free day comes it's hard to come down. I can always think of some unresolved work-related thing I could go in and do on a day off. I know the healthy thing is to get away from the business, but my mind doesn't get away. Trying to come up with a solution to this problem has not been easy. "Just get away," is a little too simple when the store is busy. It's not always busy but the moment I think I'll have an hour, all hell breaks loose. And if I do walk around the block that tether to the shop announces itself. The cellphone call is a question about a current job, word that a delivery truck has arrived or the shop just got full. Seems like the obvious solution is having an extra person on the inside. The fact that I'd be forced to manage another soul seems more horrifying than the current situation. I can't see myself handing over the behind-the-scenes bookwork details to a total stranger anytime soon so I can go have some time alone. Besides material costs, employees are the most costly thing in business. Doing it all and staying small has been profitable. We'd miss the income we're used to. Not to get too New Age, but I think the change has to come in my head. Attitude adjustment or continued acceptance of a not-so-perfect situation, however you want to phrase it. I can't see any solutions. Others would love to have my problem. Or would they?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like your Sunday was lazy but not particularly enjoyable with all that was on your mind re work. That is why you need a hobby to keep your mind off of work for at least one full day. All work and no play makes one a dull boy you know. Back in the days when I was so run ragged with the busines from early a.m. till late at night I was able to turn it off on at least Sunday because I had so many things to do around the house and that gave me something else to think about so I could block out work and now I realize that was a blessing in disguise. You truly need to have an outlet or you are going to go "crazy" from not having a moment's rest from work. It just is not healthy to think about work 24/7. It will be there the next day as you well know. By not having any more help it all falls on you. I still think you need to give Joy some more duties to do to relieve you even if it is only for 30 minutes a day. I know she would be willing to help you. Does she ever read your blog to get some idea what is going on in your mind? Say you were dad and I read that blog I would be "bending over backwards" to help relieve the situation. Even though employees cost you more money and time to teach them in the long run a good employee would save your sanity and give you some freedom. I know you are use to your good income and it is hard to share it but just how much would it cost to hire someone?? I wish I could come up with an idea that you would consider as it is hard as a mother to know how miserable you are doing this job. I often wonder how it would have been if you had worked for someone else. Would you have had less stress or been just as overwhelmed with responsibility as you are now?

6:06 AM  
Blogger Buster Brown said...

It's interesting how this blog has become my mini-therapy session. I didn't really intend for that to happen. I'll continue to think about your continued good advice.

6:15 AM  

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