Thursday, August 17, 2006

Slice Of Life

I don't know if you read many blogs besides this one. If you do then you're probably aware of the variety of blogs out there. Some are very professional, newsy types updated daily with current events or topics specific to the author's particular interests or occupation. Others are free-wheeling personal accounts of how the author spent the day doing nothing that would be of any interest to anyone but the author. I think this blog probably drifts toward the "really only interesting to me" side of things. Family and friends might like catching up in this alternative way, but could it ever be appealing to a stranger (and do we care if it does appeal)? Holding this electronic page up for the world to see, is this bit of brain clutter of any real importance? I just don't think my life is that interesting. Now if we were building another house, going on exotic vacations, had spectacular interests to share the details about, were raising a family with lots of kids' pictures to show off and stories to tell, I could see pouring a lot of energy into blogging more often. As I'm finding more and more, Joy and I are happily dull. We bore each other. I can imagine how others regard us. Some of the blogs I've purposefully gone out and looked at are intriguing in how much the author is willing to disclose. It's as if the author is lying on the psychiatrist's couch and letting go. I don't see this blog going there, but maybe I'll start another one and go it anonymously.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yet beneath the "dull" exterior lurks a David Lynch interior... J.

3:22 PM  

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