Sunday, April 02, 2006

A Nice Gentleman From India

Fed up with the hours it was taking me to get my wireless connection working, I decided to take advantage of the 90 days live support offered by the company that makes the router. The "Netgear" representative came on the line and asked me for the serial numbers, operating system and other technical stuff. I had a little problem understanding the accent at some points but the fellow was very patient and was able to talk me through the proper connections. I can now say that I have experienced wireless internet for the first time. I highly recommend Netgear for the customer service aspect alone at this point. The internet signal transmits via radio-like waves, so the closer you are to the router the better, but I had fairly good results with the router located in the basement and the laptop up on the third floor in the bedroom. I'll be tweaking some things to make it faster and look forward to finding those public hotspots I've heard about. I talked my Uncle Dave through some issues he was having with his own computer. I'm in need of a vacation away from this electronic stuff. Joy took advantage of a free day to get some curtain material and silk flowers for arrangements.


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