Saturday, July 08, 2006


After an eleven-hour marathon drive back from Montana Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were spent settling back in and doing the paperwork catch-up at Gilford's. Before, during and after the trip I had been dealing with a deaf woman interested in purchasing a large quantity of tile from me through the internet. The long, back and forth account of our email exchanges is available in a Microsoft Word file here. You might find it to be an interesting study in how gullible a guy can be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brutal story, Doug. Did her supposed Cottage Grove location raise a red flag? Why go through Gilford's in Gresham? Or if it really was for shipment to Anchorage, why not order directly from a floor covering business there and save the shipping issues?

Interesting behind the scenes access you have provided. Keep us posted!

10:10 AM  
Blogger Buster Brown said...

Those thoughts and many others have crossed my mind since. At the time, I actually thought she might have been a little mentally challenged. The business of selling this tile blinded me to the obvious.

3:53 PM  

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