After an eleven-hour marathon drive back from Montana Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were spent settling back in and doing the paperwork catch-up at Gilford's. Before, during and after the trip I had been dealing with a deaf woman interested in purchasing a large quantity of tile from me through the internet. The long, back and forth account of our email exchanges is available in a Microsoft Word file here. You might find it to be an interesting study in how gullible a guy can be.
Brutal story, Doug. Did her supposed Cottage Grove location raise a red flag? Why go through Gilford's in Gresham? Or if it really was for shipment to Anchorage, why not order directly from a floor covering business there and save the shipping issues?
Interesting behind the scenes access you have provided. Keep us posted!
Those thoughts and many others have crossed my mind since. At the time, I actually thought she might have been a little mentally challenged. The business of selling this tile blinded me to the obvious.
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